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The MCA Architectural guidance and its content is intended for internal and external use, as defined by the MCA Strategy, Design and Architecture team.

3. Architectural Deliverables

This section sets out the Architectural Deliverables which are agreed to be delivered as part of any Architectural change.

3.1. Architecture Views

Partners are free to include their own or other notations where required, but the following core architecture views are expected to adhere to the ArchiMate 3.1 notation and be supplied in the open exchange format (unless added directly to the MCA Architecture Repository).

  • Current state Application Cooperation view
  • Current state Application Structure view
  • Current state Technology Usage view
  • Current state Technology view (deployment)
  • Target state Application Cooperation view
  • Target state Application Structure view
  • Target state Technology Usage view
  • Target state Technology view (deployment)

3.2. High Level Designs

High Level Designs are expected to be created and submitted to the Architecture Review Board (ARB) for approval. Partners are expected to attend and present their design at the relevant ARB.

It is expected that all designs will be created using MCA’s high level design template unless an exception is sought and agreed with MCA’s Head of Solution Architecture & Enterprise Architect.

Architecture Design HLD Template

This page was last reviewed on 24 July 2023.
This page was set to be reviewed before 24 July 2025. This might mean the content is out of date.